Half Moon Cakes
Half Moon Cakes made with a few simple ingredients and homemade frosting.

Oh my gosh!

Did you know this half moon cake for once called a 12 cent bun!

Did you or your family make or buy these half moon cakes before….please leave us a message letting us know.

Half Moon Cakes
Our cakes are baked, now lets get them made into a half moon cake.

This is not a big cake it only got 1½ cups of flour…But it’s a cake you cut in half and cut down the middle to turn into a half moon cake.

Half Moon Cakes
Cut cake in the centre and then down the middle.

Use a serrated knife to cut the cake in half and down the middle.

Half Moon Cakes
Two pieces of cake, ready to icing and cut in half.
Half Moon Cakes
Now ready for that tasty frosting.
Frosting for this tasty half moon cakes.

Frosting is made with butter, vanilla, confectioners sugar and coconut oil ( optional)

Half Moon Cakes
Put a nice helping of frosting over the half cake and split the icing in four helpings.
Half of the cake for our half moon cake with a coat of frosting.

After you add some frosting to the half moon cake cover with the other half and enjoy!

Half Moon Cakes
Half Moon Cake is ready to enjoy!

Our half moon cakes are ready to enjoy and so tasty!

Half Moon Cakes
Thank you for stopping by and enjoy our half moon cakes to the fullest.

Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoyed our recipe for Half Moon Cakes. On behalf of myself, RMHussey Productions and Team.

From our kitchen to yours, have a lovely day….

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